Results of roadblock
Results of roadblock

results of roadblock

Imperium are interviewe backstage and Marcel Barthel says there is no way they would attack The Creed Brothers, they’re more honourable than that. Lyons gets up and says she’s all women and they argue as the show ends. Legend gets mad and says Lyons thinks she’s a big deal but the only reason she was trending was because of those butt implants.


Lyons says her mother is a free spirit and she taught her not to judge others. Legend asks about Nikkita’s journey and says her father was a rockstar and her mother was a groupie, but was she everyone’s groupie. It’s time for a rare episode of Lashing Out with Lash Legend. Trick asks him to choose a safer match but Hayes says he’s going with a ladder match because he can and to prove he’s the greatest Champion ever.

results of roadblock results of roadblock

Trick suggests a five-man match and his four opponents will need to qualify. He’s been climbing the rungs to the top, so why not run it back to the beginning with a ladder match.

results of roadblock

Hayes says he has the gold and so he makes the rules. Hayes says he’s gone through just about everyone and it’s not easy making all of them relevant. We’re back with Trick Williams, Carmelo Hayes and their buddies in the barbershop. One of the other students says Bodhi’s eye is looking nasty and Chase flips out, telling im he’s not a doctor and swearing, then throws a basketball at him. He says Bodhi Hayward did a great job last week and took one for the team – Hayward thanks him and his eye is practically swollen shut. Andre Chase tells his students that they let him down last week with a crappy entrance but it’s a teachable moment. We’re back in Chase University for another lesson. Henley then hits Stratton with a shining wizard for a shock win! Winner: Fallon Henley Suddenly Sarray appears from behind Stratton and kicks her in the back. Smoke appears on the ramp and the referee and the wrestlers get distracted. Henley connects with a back elbow in the corner and wants a bulldog but Stratton catches her and throws her up for a Samoan drop. Henley chops Tiffany and hits a backbreaker/clothesline combination. Stratton drops Henley on the bottom rope and jumps on her for a two-count. Stratton counters an arm-drag but gets caught with a dropkick. Stratton turns the tables but gets thrown off. The match gets underway with a lock-up and Henley grabs a wristlock. Their Tag Title match tonight seems in jeopardy. Roderick Strong, Macolm Bivens, Ivy Nile and some referees run up and check on them. The camera’s rush outside the building where The Creed Brothers are down and writhing in pain with a couple of lead pipes lying nearby. Never before has the gap between number one and number two been so substantial and make no mistake about it, he’s number one. If he wins tonight he will go into Stand & Deliver as the main event, a feeling he’s had before and one he craves again. This match is huge and means more than the NXT Championship, which is something he thought he’d never say. Maybe it’s because he feels that Dolph is trying to tear down everything he’s built, or maybe it’s because he’s got a new-found respect for Bron Breakker. Tommaso Ciampa cuts a promo backstage in which he says he’s a 3X NXT Champion but this one feels different.

Results of roadblock